How to Play CineQwiz!
CineQwiz is an interactive group game between any number of players or teams and film clips that run on a TV. It is moderated by a QwizMaster. CineQwiz may be played in any meeting room, dining room, auditorium or lounge that has a DVD player and large-screen television or video projection on a wall. Team play is encouraged so that friends can compete together.
CineQwiz is not a trivia game. Short film clips are followed by onscreen questions based on the scenes that the players have just watched and four possible answers. CineQwiz games vary in length and contain either 10 or 20 questions. With breaks, intros and tabulating the answers, a short session can take 30 minutes to complete and two games can easily fill an hour or more.
Each player or team needs a blank sheet of paper or Score Card and pen or pencil. A sample Score Card is enclosed with each game that may be xeroxed and handed out, but it is simply numbered from 1 to 10 with room for bonus question answers.
The QwizMaster!
The QwizMaster introduces the game, explains how it is played, controls the DVD player with a remote and generally moderates. Once the DVD starts, the game runs itself until the end. After each film clip, a question with four possible answers comes on the screen. The QwizMaster reads the questions aloud and freeze/pauses on the answers until everyone is ready to proceed. Pause and Play (or hitting Pause again) are thus the only remote control buttons used.
Each games includes 10 questions plus “Tie Breakers.” The tie breakers do not have multiple choice answers, which makes them harder. Guesses should be jotted down if needed later. A good method of scoring is to exchange papers with a group near you to mark the correct answers, or one can score their own paper.
The answers are revealed by two options:
1) If the game is allowed to continue, the answers will appear onscreen at the conclusion. The QwizMaster’s main duties will thus be to regulate the pace and help determine a winner.
2) Or the QwizMaster can halt the game and read the answers, including jokes and film trivia from her secret "Crib Sheet." Here is a sample Crib Sheet for the cartoon "Somewhere in Dreamland." With a little pause-button practice, the answers can be shown onscreen as the QM spiels and the audience yells out the right answers. This method is more interactive with the players, making for a livelier and longer event.
Although it’s all in fun, people do like winners. Token prizes may be awarded if desired.
CineQwiz Edition #1!
The Premiere Edition of CineQwiz (available now!) contains 5 Games of varying lengths. Running times are for when the game plays straight through. Actual games will take a bit longer if the QwizMaster reads the answers at the end and interacts with the players.
Each game contains 10 questions with multiple choice answers, plus a tie-breaker question.
Balloon Land -- 14 min.
Somewhere in Dreamland -- 16 min.
Melody in May -- 23 min.
Radar Men From the Moon, Chapter #1 -- 22 min.
The Most Dangerous Game -- 36 min.
CineQwiz was jointly developed by Ron Hall of Festival Films and Bob Campbell and his Chudwig Team, the producers of "Matinee at the Bijou" hit show on PBS in the 1980s. Watch for the return of the original Bijou episodes on DVD!
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