Public Domain Catalog

Lost and Rare
Reminisce with Movie Memory Time!

Movie Memory Time is a new Group Activity for Seniors. Watch a short vintage film from the 1930s to 1960s from a DVD or the Internet. The film sparks memories of those eras. Four onscreen questions guide the discussion that follows. Reminiscing runs rampant!

Movie Memories and Movie Memory Time Sessions work exceptionally well in retirement communities, even with Seniors who have Alzheimers! They can also be watched alone or with grandchildren as a bridge to bygone days. Entertainment, interaction, sharing and super fun!

Movie Memory Time is now on Facebook. Please visit and "Like" to receive 3 new Movie Memories each week to enjoy with family and friends absolutely Free!

Critics & Audiences Love Movie Memories!

How do they work? Watch....

Click Here To See More Samples!


Matinee Poster Movie Memory Time has tested with excellence:
“The assisted living group really LOVED it. They were engaged, had a lot of discussion and said that it reminded them of the past. They are looking forward to doing it again and would like to do it monthly. I think the new music programs will be great for Alzheimers Unit, they respond better to music.”
(Minnesota Masonic Homes)

The purpose of Movie Memories is to open doors to the past and share what we recall. We all have memories of growing up and raising a family. What better way to revisit those days than by watching films from our formative years to jog memory and then reminisce with friends?

These 4 Volumes of Movie Memories are available now on DVD with Discussion Guides. You can see which short films are in each volume and peruse the Discussion Guides to gauge their popularity as an activity for therapy and social interaction in your community.

Although you can view Movie Memory Time samples on this website and on Facebook., we will be happy to send you a free Sampler Disc to try out in your own retirement community. For further rants and raves check out Movie Memories Blog.

The new "Laughing Out Loud" comedy series is also designed for seniors. Comedy shorts fill the first hour session with merriment. Two classic comedy TV shows complete each volume. No questions, no activity, just watch and have fun!

Pricing for Movie Memories

One Volume of Movie Memories with Discussion Guide is $59.95.

4-Pack Discount: Any 4 Volumes with 4 Discussion Guides, 70 Movie Memories, hundreds of catalyst questions, and hours and hours of Activity Fun is... $195.00.

Purchase orders are accepted, or we can simply bill any retirement, senior or health care facility.

Movie Memories are guaranteed to entertain and interact with your audience. They may be returned if they fail to exceed your expectations!

Movie Memories are licensed for unlimited use within the institutions they are sold to. Public performance rights are included. Movie Memories are © by Festival Films and may not be duplicated without permission. Television broadcast, other than closed circuit broadcast within the institution, is prohibited. Internet and other such uses are also reserved.

Please call Ron Hall at 952-470-2172 or email me at to discuss ordering or share success stories you have experienced with Movie Memories.