Christmas and Holiday Programs

A collection of feature films, cartoons, shorts and vintage TV shows that rekindle the Christmas spirit of bygone eras. All films are available on DVD-R format. See more Café Roxy Christmas Programs!
Vol. A-1: A Classic Christmas
With Betty White & Her Friends!
We have jammed the most entertaining Christmas TV shows into one giant 2-hour program for movie theaters, TV stations or home entertainment! Click on the poster to the right to enlarge full size, then use to promote your show.
Howdy Doody insanity at the North Pole, Little Audrey stows away on Santa's Sleigh in a colorful cartoon, Betty White and a department store Santa that gives away gifts, Jack Benny shops for the cheapest Christmas present, Ozzie and Harriet revisit Ozzie's Christmas wish in 1915 in "The Miracle," and Red Skelton as Freddy the Freeloader tries to break into jail on Christmas Eve!
More Christmas TV Shows!
Every popular TV series from the 1950s to today celebrated Christmas or New Years with a special show. This is a collection of some of those gems, mostly from the 1950s.
Vol. 1:
Date With the Angels: “Santa’s Helper” (1957)
Betty White and Bill Williams family comedy. Department store Santa gives away presents.
Meet Corliss Archer (1954)
Ann Baker stars in teenage comedy show.
Where’s Raymond?: “Christmas Show”
Ray Bolger comedy. Through a little girl's imagination Ray becomes a cab driver, a pixie-like floorwalker in a toy shop, an old vaudevillian, his own imaginary wife, Sambo the doll, and Santa Claus.
The Ruggles: “Christmas Eve - 1952" (1949-1952)
Charlie Ruggles stars in situation comedy.
Vol. 2:
Adventures of Robin Hood: “The Christmas Goose.” (12/23/1957)
Young Davey has a pet goose, who is very attached to him. One day it saves him from a flogging from Sir Leon's men, but in so doing is caught and, as a punishment, sentenced to become Sir Leon's Christmas dinner.
Ozzie & Harriet: “The Miracle” (12/25/1953)
At Christmas time, Ozzie recalls the special childhood wish he had. Ricky plays Oz in flashback.
Captain Gallant of Foreign Legion: “The Boy Who Found Christmas.” (12/25/55) For Christmas this year, Capt. Gallant has promised Cuffy a trip to America. However, all of the Legions' gifts are stolen from the caravan, and it looks like the captain won't be able to let Cuffy go on his promised trip. Cuffy runs away to try to find the missing presents, and learns what Christmas is really about.
Racket Squad: “The Christmas Caper.” (12/25/1952)
Santa Claus can't stop this con. So it's up to Captain John Braddock to work Christmas to catch the bad guys.
Vol. 3: The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet
The Girl in the Emporium Ricky and Wally spend all their Christmas shopping money trying to impress a cute girl at the emporium. Original air date 12/14/60.
The Christmas Tree Lot: Rick and Dave sell Christmas trees to raise the money to buy Ozzie a present. Ozzie sings and plays the guitar! Guest Stars: Gavin Gordon, Barbara Pepper. Rick sings. 12/18/57.
A Busy Christmas (12/19/1956)
Ozzie is talked into acting as Santa for the Men's Club and also as Scrooge in a short play. He also is asked to sing Christmas Carols with all three things being on the same night. He tries hard to get a Christmas tree and put up decorations on the house but finds it impossible with the other commitments.
Boy's Christmas Money
(12/19/1952) Dave and Ricky take jobs in the city in an attempt to raise cash for Christmas presents.
Vol. 4:
Petticoat Junction: "Cannonball Christmas" Homer Bedloe plans to stop the Hooterville Cannonball from making its traditional Christmas caroling tour.
The Beverly Hillbillies: “Christmas at the Clampetts” (12/25/1963) The Clampetts receive beautiful gifts from the Drysdales, including a boat and a television set. However, they mistake the gifts for other things, the TV set for a washing machine, and the boat as someone else’s. The Drysdales also give the Clampetts a pet chimpanzee, which they mistake for a sailor.
The Beverly Hillbillies: "Home For Christmas" (1/16/1963) The Clampetts take their first plane ride for a Christmas visit back home with Cousin Pearl.
Love That Bob
“Grandpa’s Christmas Visit” (12/22/1955) Bob's grandfather Josh Collins pays a visit and proves to be more of a wolf than his grandson. Bob tries to set Grandpa up with a sweet old lady on Christmas Eve—but he steals Bob's date instead. (This one is included in Love That Bob volumes.)
Vol 5: Red Skelton & More Ozzie & Harriet
Red: "Freddie and the Yuletide Doll"
5-15-1956. With guest Cara Williams.
Red: "Cop and the Anthem"
12-21-1954. Freddie tries to get put into prison to have a warm Christmas. Based on a story by O’ Henry.
Ozzie: "Late Christmas Gift" 12/26/52. Ozzie and David receive belated Christmas gifts from Grandma Nelson.
Ozzie: "Day After Christmas" 12/26/56. Feeling nostalgic on the day after Christmas, Ozzie is determined to take the family ice skating up at the lake.
Abbott and Costello on "Colgate Comedy Hour" Two segments from 1952 Christmas Show.
Vol. 6:
The Answer Dec. 23, 1954.
“Four Star Playhouse” with David Niven. A successful Hollywood writer returns home for the holidays and meets a down-on-his-luck writer.
The Gift Dec. 24, 1953.
“Four Star Playhouse” with Charles Boyer, Ann Doran. A businessman becomes moody each year at Christmas because it reminds him of his estranged son, who chose to become a geologist instead of following in his father's footsteps.
Christmas Shopping Show Dec. 15, 1957.
“Jack Benny Show” with Mel Blanc, Dennis Day, Rochester.
The Big Little Jesus 12/24/1953.
“Dragnet.” A statue of baby Jesus is stolen from a church, and Friday must find it before Christmas.
Vol. 7: Odd Christmas Shorts
Santa and the Three Bears
(1970) Color, 47 min. Directed by Barry Mahon, Tony Benedict. Animated. SANTA AND THE THREE BEARS was first released in theatres and then found a home on USA Network, where it ran for years as their token holiday special. Abridged, all-animated version.
The Night Before Christmas
(1940s) 10 min. Classic telling of the famous poem.
A Howdy Doody Christmas
(1950s) 10 min. Excerpt from Howdy Doody TV show.
The Christmas Carol
(1950s) 23 min. Dickens’ famous tale, narrated by Vincent Price.
The Little Match Girl
(1954) 10 min. Live action version of the famous story.
Santa Claus Story
(1940s) 10 min. Santa delivers toys, etc.
A Christmas Dream
(1940s) 10 min. Live action. Little girl, Santa, doll....
Vol. 8: TV X-Mas Religious Shows
A Star Shall Rise
(1952) Raymond Burr stars in the story of the birth of Jesus and the visit of the three wise men.
Picture of the Magi
In 1956 Communist-dominated Hungary young Aranka (Judy Morris) stumbles across the hideout of three ruthless blackmarket smugglers. When the girl discovers one of the men is named Melchoir (Walter Coy) she believes they are actually the Three Wise Men.
The Nativity
(12/22/1952) 60 min. Cast: Hurd Hatfield, Robert Shaw, Paul Tripp.
This dramatization of the birth of Jesus was produced for the small screen by Studio One. This episode of the successful CBS network program was shown during the holiday season of 1952 and featured Paul Tripp, Hurd Hatfield, Robert Shaw Corale and Miriam Wolfe.
Vol. 9: TV X-Mas Musical Shows
Santa and the Fairy Snow Queen
(1951, color) Sid Davis production. Toys come to life on Christmas Eve in Santa’s toy shop.
A Child is Born
GE Theater, introduced by Ronald Reagan and his family. Stephen Vincent Benet story about the Nativity set to music by Bernard Herrmann.
Liberace Christmas Show
(1953) Liberace performs "White Christmas", "Adeste Fideles", "Silent Night", "Sleigh Ride", "Christmas Annual", "O Holy Night", "Jingle Bells", "I'll Be Seeing You" / "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town", "Here Comes Santa Claus", "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" and brings out his relatives!
Liberace Thanksgiving Show
(1953) Liberace invites us to his Thanksgiving holiday celebration, playing and singing songs of the season, as well as classical numbers such as Falla's 'Ritual Fire Dance' which a Hopi Indian dances to.
Vol. 10: X-Mas TV Specials
(1951): Cynical Joe Peters (Ray Montgomery) isn't happy about being assigned to Santa duty at the department store, but the role teaches him about the things in life that truly matter - love and forgiveness.
THE VISITOR: “A Tale of Two Christmases”
Dec. 21, 1952. Christmas episode from a 1952-53 TV series also known as “The Doctor.”
Directed by Robert Aldrich. Cast: Richard McMurray, Janie Alexander, Margaret Hayes. The life of a dysfunctional family between Christmas 1951 and Christmas 1952 is told.
(1953, Color) Starring Louis Jourdan. Unsold TV pilot for a proposed anthology series called "Screen Writer's Playhouse". A young man with everything to live for is crushed to learn of the death of his fiancée in a fire on Christmas Eve. For three years he wallows in self-pity until a young girl reminds him of the true meaning of Christmas.
Cavalcade of America: THE BLESSED MIDNIGHT
12/18/1956. Starring Maureen O’Sullivan, Danny Richards Jr., Francis Bavier. When a boy steals a cake for his beloved aunt on Christmas Eve, his young friend tries to set things straight.
Vol. 11: Two X-Mas Hour Specials
Miracle on 34th Street
(1955) 55 min. Episode of the 20th Century Fox Hour, directed by Robert Stevenson.
Cast: Thomas Mitchell, Macdonald Carey, Teresa Wright, Sandy Descher.
One Kris Kringle, a department-store Santa Claus, causes quite a commotion by suggesting customers go to a rival store for their purchases. But this is nothing to the stir he causes by announcing that he is not merely a make-believe St. Nick, but the real McCoy.
Holiday Affair
Dec. 22, 1955. Episode of the Lux Video Theatre, directed by Earl Eby.
Cast: Scott Brady, Phyllis Thaxter, Elliott Reed.
Department store worker Steve Mason (Scott Brady) is fired at Christmas time when he takes pity on widowed Connie Ellis (Phyllis Thaxter) after it is discovered that she is a "secret shopper" for a major competitor. Connie's young son Timmy (Chris Olsen) is delighted by the new friend in her mother's life, but Connie's fiancé Carl (Elliott Reid) is not pleased
Vol. 12: 4 More Series Shows
You Asked For It!
North Pole balloon twister, soldiers sing Christmas carols, Abie’s Irish Rose scene, video X-Mas cards.
Annie Oakley: Santa Claus Wears a Gun
(1956) Gail Davis stars. An elderly sharpshooter, Snowy Kringle, arrives in town for a show where he will demonstrate his skill with a flintlock rifle and cap-and-ball pistol.
Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel
”The Christmas Present” (1956) Marius Goring stars. When Chauvelin captures several important members of the French royalty, Sir Percy must forsake a quiet Christmas at home and attempt a rescue.
Dragnet: “The Big New Year”
(1954) Jack Webb and Ben Alexander. A busy night on homicide detail. Will the boys make it to the big party?
Vol. 13: More Rare Christmas Films
Our Gang: Good Cheer
(1926) On Christmas Eve, Hal Roach’s Our Gang kids cope with hardships, help capture a gang of thieves dressed as Santa and learn that Santa Claus really exists for those who wish fervently enough.
Christmas Spirit
(1956) 30 min. Story about two boys who want ponies for Christmas but their family can only afford one. The horse owner, who is bitter about the loss of his son in the war, is softened by the boys' sacrifice for each other. Produced by Family Films Inc.
A Roxy Christmas
Special trailers and promos shown in movie theaters at Christmas time. Rosemary Clooney sings for Christmas Seals, plus more!
Movie Theater New Years Eve Shows
Special trailers announcing New Year’s movie shows.
Christmas Music with Fred Waring
Episode of the General Electric Theater hosted by Ronald Reagan.
Burns and Allen Christmas Show
(1951) Mamie is back with the girls to visit for the holidays.
Vol. 14: Heavenly Christmas Film Classics
The spirit of Christmas is gloriously captured in six inspiring stories of faith, family and friendship.
Silent Night: Story of the Christmas Carol (1953) 13 min., color. Beautifully told true story of how Franz Gruber created the iconic 1818 Christmas carol.
Christmas is Magic
(1953) 24 min. Robert Hutton plays a war vet with amnesia who is taken in by widow Frances Rafferty and her son on Christmas Eve.
Star of Bethlehem (1956) 12 min., color. Story of the Nativity told using the silhouette
animation style of Lotte Reiniger. The film opens with the Holy Family traveling to Bethlehem and closes with the Wise Men bearing rich gifts,
while a host of angels descend from the heavens.
Three Young Kings
(1956) Three young boys are given the responsibility of carrying Christmas gifts to the mission church in the costumes of the Three Wise Men.
When they ride through the poorest section of the village, the boys decide to give the presents to the ragged children instead,
causing a crisis of conscience in the community.
Star of Bethlehem (1954) 26 min. Produced, directed by and starring James Mason, with the participation of his wife,
daughter Portland and other child actors.
Starlight Night (1939) 30 min.
Opulent British docu-drama about the creation of the famous Christmas carol centers on a stern father estranged from his daughter.

Christmas Cartoon Festival!
12 Holiday Cartoon Classics from the 1930s thru the 1960s, starring Santa Claus, Rudolph, Little Audrey and all of your favorites!
Santa's Surprise
Rudolplh, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Christmas Visit
Christmas Night
Toys Will be Toys
The Christmas Visitor
Christmas Comes But Once a Year
Hector's Hectic Life
Somewhere in Dreamland
The Little Christmas Burro
The Star of Bethlehem
Bonus: Santa brings joy on Christmas Eve in the live-action short “The Night Before Christmas.”
Feature Films!
A few public domain features with Christmas themes.
Abe Lincoln of Ninth Avenue (1939) 68 min. Jimmy (Jackie Cooper) is an idealistic young man who studies law while struggling to survive with a newsstand in lower New York. Beset by local thugs and his gangster brother, he tries to instill in a poor crippled boy and old man the spirit of Christmas they had never known. A kindly judge takes an interest when he learns Jimmy is guided at every turn by the words and deeds of Abraham Lincoln. Bonus: The Greatest Gift (1954) 30 min. Lutheran Television presents the Fisher Family with Onslow Stevens and Forest Tucker in a family Christmas story. Rare episode of "This Is the Life" series.
Scrooge (1935) 60m. Faithful adaptation of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” with Sir Seymour Hicks an impressive Scrooge. Bonus cartoons: Rudolph, Christmas Comes But Once a Year, Somewhere in Dreamland, and the live-action "Night Before Christmas."
A Christmas Wish Aka. "The Great Rupert" (1950) 88m. "A Christmas Wish" is a heartwarming holiday classic about a New York family (led by Jimmy Durante) who is down on their luck at Christmas time. Shortly before Christmas, they move into a ground floor apartment where Rupert the Squirrel (animated by George Pal) lives in the attic rafters. Just when it seems that the holiday will come and go without so much as a Christmas tree, Rupert acts as the family's guardian angel, not only saving Christmas, but changing their lives forever. TV bonus: "Christmas with the Clampetts" from The Beverly Hillbillies.

Beyond Tomorrow (1940) 84m. Melton, Chadwick and O'Brien (played by Harry Carey, Charles Winninger and C. Aubrey Smith), rich but lonely heads of an engineering firm, invite two young strangers to dinner on Christmas Eve. The two, James and Jean, fall in love and become friends with their three benefactors...until the latter are killed in a plane crash and come back to their old home as ghosts. In the coming months, true love encounters some rough spots; can ghostly O'Brien help the young folks?
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) Color, 81 min. Martians, upset that their children have become obsessed with TV shows from Earth which extoll the virtues of Santa Claus, start an expedition to Earth to kidnap the one and only Santa. While on Earth, they kidnap two lively children that lead the group of Martians to the North Pole and Santa. The Martians then take Santa and the two children back to Mars with them. Voldar, a particularly grumpy Martian, attempts to do away with the children and Santa before they get to Mars, but their leader Lomas stops him. Can Santa bring Christmas cheer to the children on mars??? Bonus: "Howdy Doody's Christmas" and other Ho! Ho! Hokum!
Santa Claus (1959, Color) Mexico, 94 min. Santa Claus, high above the North Pole in his cloud-borne castle equipped with more surveillance devices than the Impossible Mission Force, prepares to deliver presents on Christmas night. Santa is especially interested in helping Lupita, the daughter of a poor family who wants nothing more than a doll; and a young boy whose parents are so wealthy they never spend any time with him (Santa fixes this by feeding them Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters). However, the Devil will have none of this and sends his minion, Pitch, to foil Santa's plans. Pitch in turn recruits three Naughty Boys to help him set traps for Santa.
The Littlest Angel
(1969) Color, 77 min. Directed by Joy Layton.
Cast: Johnny Whitaker, Fred Gwynne, Cab Calloway, Connie Stevens, E.G. Marshall, Tony Randall.
Made for TV movie. Adapted from the book by Charles Tazewell. Michael, a shepherd boy living in Biblical times, finds himself transported to Heaven on his eighth birthday. Michael doesn't fully understand where he is, or why he's there. A guardian angel named Patience is given the task of showing Michael the joys of Heaven and helping him find his place in the Hereafter.
Bonus Shorts: “The Little Lamb - A Christmas Story” (1955); “The Little Match Girl” (1937); “Silent Night: Story of the Christmas Carol” (1934)